New Year Message From Committee Chair

Dear Members,

I just wanted to update you on what we are up to and what is planned for 2013.

We had a very successful annual meeting last year and your committee is about to embark upon planning this year’s meeting; we would love to hear from you as to potential subjects/topics for this meeting.  Your committee strives to make it interesting every year but values your input.  Any burning topics then please let me or a committee member know your ideas.

We always value combining with our EU colleagues in their annual meetings and this year is time for the 2-yearly combined European meeting which will be held near Nice in April – details of which you will be able to find on our website or that of AGAH, Club Phase 1 or BAPU.  This promises to be a very interesting meeting and we hope some of you will be able to support it by attending – I hope to see you there.

An important part of 2012 was to input into MHRA’s ideas on changes they are considering making to the Phase 1 Unit Accreditation scheme.  We have to have our final answers by the last week of January so that we can submit them to MHRA.  If you wish to have any input or make any comment then please let me or one of your Committee know by 20th January at latest.

We all look forward to a new and exciting year which, I am sure, will be very busy for us all.  Please remember that this is your Association and it can only move forward with your help and input, which you can always share with us via email at or on our website.

A Happy New Year to you all.


Peter Dewland

Committee Chair

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